Maine AHPERD PE/HE Teacher Workshop-CANCELLED
Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled.
Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled.
Join the Central Aroostook Council on Education and Candace Fuller for SEL In The Classroom on Friday, May 24 at 12:30! What is SEL: Social and Emotional Learning is a […]
Central Aroostook Council on Education is proud to present CACE Day 2024-Nurturing Growth, Inspiring Excellence. This year's event showcases 5 different schools around Central Aroostook County, all providing unique professional […]
Calling all new teachers! The early years of teaching is always a challenge, let's work together to make it phenomenal! CACE is proud to present the New Teacher Cohort, an […]
The Central Aroostook Council on Education is pleased to present Candace Fuller and "Practical SEL"! This class will go further in-depth on how to incorporate SEL into your daily classroom […]
The Maine Department of Education, in partnership with Maine AHPERD and CACE, are offering a Regional Workshop Day for all Aroostook County health education and physical education Teachers! Physical Education […]
Maine’s mentor training has been recently updated to include current research and best practices, building upon prior collaborative work with teacher leaders, administrators, and higher education partners. The training will consist of […]
The Central Aroostook Council on Education is proud to present Mrs. Brittany Morrison and "Communication, Collaboration, and Consistency in the Classroom". Brittany Morrison is an elementary teacher at Zippel Elementary […]