UMPI Campus Center 181 Main Street, Presque Isle, ME

MPR Room.  Storm date 1/19/16.  More information will be posted soon.

ELA Formative Assessment

UMPI Campus Center 181 Main Street, Presque Isle, ME

With Lee Anne Larsen & Morgan Dunton, MDOE, in MPR Room.  Storm date 2/1.

Educational Technology to Support Teaching & Learning

UMPI Campus Center 181 Main Street, Presque Isle, ME

MPR Room Description: In the fall ‘16 semester, students in UMPI’s EDU 261 experienced many new tools of educational technology as part of a redesigned course. As a result of their learning and enthusiasm, several students and their instructors (Leigh Belair and Alana Margeson) are offering a hands-on workshop day for CACE. This day will […]

NMEC Board Meeting

UMPI Campus Center 181 Main Street, Presque Isle, ME


Principals’ Academy II

UMPI Campus Center 181 Main Street, Presque Isle, ME

MPR Room, C-118, C-112.  Storm date 3/22. Agenda (pdf format)

Principals’ Academy

UMPI Campus Center 181 Main Street, Presque Isle, ME

Agenda (pdf format)

ELA Formative Assessment

UMPI Campus Center 181 Main Street, Presque Isle, ME

With Lee Anne Larsen & Morgan Dunton, MDOE, in the MPR Room.  Storm date 3/6.

NMEC Board Meeting

UMPI Campus Center 181 Main Street, Presque Isle, ME

Allagash Room

Regional Visual & Performing Arts Workshop

Easton High School 173 Center Road, Easton, ME

Held in Easton, ME.   Sponsored by CACE. Schedule 8:30 a.m. Registration begins 9:00 a.m. Opening and Morning Sessions 9:15 - 10:30 a.m. Breakout Session I 10:30 - 10:40 a.m. Break 10:40 - 11:55 a.m. Breakout Session II 11:55 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Lunch, participants on their own 12:45 - 1:20 p.m. Artist Showcase 1:25 […]

WLT Workshop on Teaching the Travel Thematic Unit

Caribou High School 308 Sweden St, Caribou, ME

Workshop Presenter: Daniel Fishman The focus of this World Languages teachers’ workshop is to explain specifically how one might teach a 6-week thematic unit on travel in either French or Spanish. The curriculum includes: vocabulary lists with accompanying formative assessments multiple links to and/or documents of authentic resources (videos, readings, recordings, and infographics personal tools […]