CACE is an educational collaborative that teams with member schools in Central Aroostook County and the University of Maine at Presque Isle to support the success of teaching, learning and leadership.
CACE provides high quality professional development opportunities for its members, and secures local, regional, and national experts to deliver timely and relevant trainings and workshops for all educators. In addition to professional learning, CACE works with member organizations to leverage resources, provide a forum for the exchange of information and ideas, and strengthen human resource systems, programs, and policies.
Check out this great event for Social Studies Teachers at the University of Maine at Presque Isle!
Join the Central Aroostook Council on Education and Brittany Morrison on February 9 in learning more about ways to implement PBIS in your classroom. We will discuss the basics of PBIS as well as how to create a positive classroom environment and supporting and responding to students SEB (Social, Emotional and Behavioral) needs. We will discuss OTRs (opportunities to respond), 5:1 ratio feedback, classroom management strategies, and correction based behavior.
Click the link to access a vast variety of Ed Tech training workshops and slideshows for free!
The CACE Executive board is now taking applications for CACE Innovate! grants! CACE Innovate! provides locally funded grants to classroom teacher’s who take their classes to the next level through innovative instruction and exciting curriculum. Click below to access the application!
On Friday, March 24 CACE had the pleasure of hosting Brittany Morrison and Courtney Angelosante to the University of Maine at Presque Isle for a workshop on Positive Behavior Interventions and Support. Teams from school districts around Central Aroostook County took part in this important professional development.
Teaching standards
Teaching resources and support
Teacher Connect!
Leadership standards
Leadership resources and support
Leader Connect!
For strengthening human resource management systems, programs, and policies
Scroll through upcoming meetings, workshops and professional learning opportunities.
Professional development offerings described on our website are open to CACE members, other educators employed in Aroostook County schools are welcome to attend and may register as space is available.
A Look Back
Access to CACE member organizations, Maine Department of Education (Maine DOE), Great Schools Partnership (GSP), Northern Maine Education Collaborative (NMEC), and other educational sites.
We value your thoughts. Let us know what more CACE could do to support the success of teaching, learning, and leadership in your school.
University of Maine at Presque Isle
181 Main Street
Presque Isle, ME 04769
Mark Stanley, Executive Director
104B Normal Hall
University of Maine at Presque Isle
Help our CACE educators provide exciting and innovative learning experiences in their schools by donating to CACE Innovate!